eModule 1: Introduction to the Strategies for Online Academic Research (SOAR) and Student Toolkit


Lesson 1.1 - The Nine Strategies for Online Academic Research


  • In this lesson, you will learn why and how students typically struggle with online research, and you will become more familiar with the nine strategies.

An explicit and manageable process helps all students conduct better online research. The strategies were designed to give general education middle school students and students with learning difficulties a step-by-step method to search for, find, evaluate, read, and use information from online sources.

Each strategy is a purposeful and memorable step in the research process. Click on each icon to review each strategy’s key purpose:

Kathleen Guinee (2004) studies the technical and cognitive skills involved in conducting research at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She found that, of the 13 activities students perform while researching, the most common are:

  • Construct search string
  • Analyze search results
  • Identify information
  • Produce output

Review Guinee's Research Process Map by clicking here.

Only two activities—search and visit sites—were found to be automatic steps that all students perform.

Activity 1.1 - Explore the Research Process

To give you practice reviewing and understanding the strategies in the way students traditionally do online academic research, complete a practice exercise on Guinee's research process map. In this activity, you will look at Guinee's research process map and choose which of the strategies align with a specific step on the map. Click here to complete this activity.

Lesson 1.2 - Instructional Elements


  • In this lesson, you will learn how students navigate the Student Toolkit.

Instructions and instructional competencies have been developed to help teachers effectively teach the nine strategies to their students. Students do all of this work on a computer or tablet using the online Student Toolkit.

For example, Strategy 1 (“Starting a Web Search”) is composed of three steps:

  1. Type
  2. Tidy Up
  3. Transfer

For each step of each strategy, there are four instructional elements that students use to gain competency:

  • Instructional videos
  • Short Quick Tips videos
  • Practice exercises
  • Try It! performance assignments

Watch the SOAR Approach Video to learn about the Student Toolkit  instructional competencies.

Link to the SOAR Approach Video
SOAR Approach Video

Review the description and overview of the systematic research approach and the four instructional elements that students will perform while learning the strategies and conducting a research project.

Instructional Videos Quick Tips Videos
Practice Exercises Try It! Assignments

Activity 1.2 - Target Student Learning

Add a comment on the teacher forum to share how you might use this process map as a planning tool.

  1. How could this map help you target learning growth or learning struggles that students experience during the research process?
  2. How could it help you take action to meet students’ unique instructional needs?

Lesson 1.3 - Online Research Strategies, National Standards, and Teaching Goals


The CCSS implore students across the curriculum to value evidence. Whether offering a written, oral, or visual interpretation of a message—or providing an argument for a math solution—students in every class and discipline are expected to do research and use relevant evidence to support points and conclusions.

Valuing evidence is central to conducting research. The strategies for online research address the following overarching sixth-grade English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects standard:

W.6-8.7. Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration.

Detailed in the book chapter, The SOAR Strategies for Online Academic Research: Helping Middle School Students Meet New Standards are the steps, concepts, procedures, and technology skills involved in each of the nine strategies (pages 68 to 104). In this chapter, the strategies are divided into three categories:

  1. Strategies for Finding and Selecting Sources.
  2. Strategies for Reading and Recording Information.
  3. Strategies for Organizing and Using Information.

Each category is aligned to one or more of the CCSS. Read the descriptions of each category and then the descriptions of the strategies. Consider the essential understandings of the CCSS that have been assigned to the three categories. As you read about the strategies, think how you can leverage the learning that is taking place in your classroom during strategy instruction to optimally meet the CCSS. Consider the question: “How will you know students have met the essential learning that is described by these CCSS?”

Activity 1.3 - Use the Strategies to Meet the CCSS

Review the Alignment of SOAR and CCSS. Post a reflection to the teacher forum about how one or more standards on this list relate to the following questions, and how the strategies may help with problems you have encountered in your classroom.

  • What problems have you had in helping students gain mastery of online research?
  • With which of the standards have you struggled most?


Click to view eModule 2: Student Outlines: Teaching with the End Goal in Mind.